Treasure hunts contain a set of hints hidden in different locations. Contestants need to resolve the first hint to find the place of the following hints and seek and resolve more hints till the last clue is reached. The last hint of the scavenger game usually rewards them-a long-awaited treasure. The treasure can be small prizes, gadgets, sweets, and greeting cards, based on the contestant’s age. These fun scavenger hunt games are perfect for various celebrations, like birthday parties, team outing events, holidays, etc. They can occur almost anyplace, outdoor, in offices, at home, and even across neighborhoods (as long as all neighbors are okay with it!). You don’t require a lot of space to search for treasure. There are many spots to hide clues in a single room.

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When you decided to conduct a scavenger hunt game, then it is a daunting task. Use several materials to make hints alluring and to provide children with age-relevant challenges. But scavenger hunting isn’t just for children. Even adults can satisfyingly play this scavenger hunt game by creating a lot of advanced hints and hurdles. Some of the various types of clues to play the game are mentioned below.

  1. Secret clues

In secret clues, the hints are given in a hidden code or cryptogram format. Participants have to decode them to find the next clue.

  1. Rebus clues

In a rebus, clues are coded in an image format. Contestants have to decode them by adding or removing the letter from that image using the given instructions.

  1. Fill-in-the-blank clues

Here, a sentence with the missing letter will be there. Complete the sentence by finding the missing letters.

  1. Mirror imaged clues

In this mirror clue, the hints were written in a mirror image sentence. These clues have to be used in adult games only.

  1. Rhyming clues

It is a very toughest clue to create and decode also. This hint must be written in a rhyming way to give a lead to the next clue. Use these clues for adult games to make the game bit harder.

  1. Image clues

It is an image-based clue. This clue will be easy for the kids. Use an image as a clue. Participants have to search for the next clue near that object in that image.

  1. Maze clues

Maze clues are like a mixture of labyrinth and word search. Give the person who solves the clue a labyrinth with the letters noted along each path. To decode this, draw a line from the start of the labyrinth to the exit with a highlighter. When they’re done, the highlighted writing spells a coded message and guides you to the next hint.

  1. Online clues

These clues can be used in an educational scavenger hunt of an adult game. Here, clues are coded with a tough-meaning sentence or a passage from anywhere. You have to decode it by using the internet to find the source of the passage. Then relate everything and find the next hint. This will be a brainy game.

  1. Map clues

This clue is used in a wide area scavenger hunt game. Contestants will be provided with a map. That map consists of signs and symbols to guide you to the destination. These types of clues provide you with the feel of a real treasure hunt. This can be used in the game when adults are playing.

  • Puzzle clues

In this puzzle clue, a sentence was written with jumbled words. Rewrite them to find the next one.

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