5 Things to Know Before Reversing Tubal Ligation

Did you know that approximately 700,000 tubal ligations are performed in the U.S. every year? Tubal ligation, or “getting your tubes tied”, is a common procedure performed on females in order to prevent pregnancy.

Though tubal ligation is reversible, only a small portion of those who have received this procedure choose to reverse it. In fact, only 1% of those who have had a tubal ligation reverse the procedure.

Have you had a tubal ligation, but are considering a tubal ligation reversal? If so, here are five things you need to know about reversing tubal ligation.

1. Be Sure You Are a Candidate

Before considering a tubal ligation reversal, you should know the type of tubal ligation that you received.

The majority of tubal ligations are reversible, but some are not. The possibility of tubal ligation reversal varies on a case-by-case basis. It is important to discuss this with your doctor when consulting for your tubal ligation reversal.

Tubal ligation reversal typically involves reattaching parts of the fallopian tube, allowing sperm and fertilized egg cells to pass through. Your doctor will be able to discuss the possibility of reversal with you once they have the details regarding your initial tubal ligation.

But at what age can you reverse tubal ligation?

Though there is no particular age cutoff, it is relevant in deciding if you are a candidate for tubal ligation reversal.

The older you become, the harder it is to become pregnant. Not only this, but increased age can result in more complications during pregnancy. Be sure to discuss these factors with your doctor before scheduling a tubal ligation reversal.

2. Keep Cost in Mind

It is important to consider the cost of tubal ligation reversal prior to the procedure. Tubal ligation reversal is a financial commitment that is not covered by insurance. This procedure can cost thousands of dollars.

Not only this, but pregnancy and raising a child is a costly endeavor. The cost of reversing your tubal ligation is only a small part of that. Make sure you do your research about tubal ligation reversal costs before deciding if the procedure is right for you.

3. Establish Your Goals

The odds of pregnancy occurring after tubal ligation are very low, and the chances of this happening decrease more and more in the years following the procedure.

Because there is a nearly nonexistent chance of pregnancy following tubal ligation, regret is not uncommon. The chances of becoming pregnant following a reversal are typically very high. Be sure that you want to have a child before you decide to receive a tubal ligation reversal.

4. Learn About the Procedure

In modern times, tubal ligation reversal is a fairly simple procedure. General anesthesia is used to ensure that you are pain-free and unconscious.

Before the reversal occurs, your provider will insert a tool called a laparoscope through your naval to make sure that your ligation is reversible.

Once they’ve established that your ligation is reversible, surgery can begin. An incision is made in your lower abdomen, and your tubes are reattached through clipping and sutures. The entire procedure takes about 2-3 hours.

Depending on the method used for the procedure, you may need to stay overnight following the reversal. Downtime after a tubal ligation reversal is fairly brief, and you should be able to resume your normal activities after approximately two weeks.

5. Reversing Tubal Ligation: Your Feelings Are Normal

Changing your mind is not a bad thing, and is a normal part of life. Receiving a tubal ligation and reversing a tubal ligation can be a difficult and emotional decision.

Be sure to gather a strong support system before and after your tubal ligation reversal. Having the support of family, friends, and loved ones during your tubal ligation reversal will help ease you through the entire process. Also, make sure to choose a medical provider that you trust and feel comfortable with.

The Bottom Line

Reversing tubal ligation is a very personal decision, but is a great option if you are reconsidering pregnancy. Talk to your doctor about whether tubal ligation reversal is a good and feasible option for you.

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