CRJ Fruit Trees’ Victoria Dwarf Pixy Plum Growing Tips



Growing tips from the experts at CRJ Fruit Trees in the UK on how to grow your own Victoria dwarf pixy plum tree in your backyard. We have been growing fruit trees for over 30 years and want to share our knowledge with you, our readers, to help you start and maintain your fruit orchard. Here’s what you need to know about caring for this lovely, compact plum tree:

  1. Description

Pixy plums are trees grown in modern-day as ornamental flowering trees and for their attractive foliage. It has a potential life expectancy of 30 years and produces flowers that are pink or white color in the spring to early summer, growing up to 16 inches long. Pixy Plums can grow up to 6 ft. tall but dwarf varieties such as the Victoria can only grow 2 ft. tall and 3 ft. wide.

  1. Planting and Care

Plant your pixy plum tree in well-drained soil, and make sure that the tree is planted in full sun. As the tree grows, it will need to have support to grow. The ideal support for your pixy plum is a wire trellis or pole support system, but you can also use a wooden one if you do not have the money to buy one or do not want to use copper.

Pixy plum trees are often grown up on a wire trellis or in a hanging basket. Pixy plums are also known to grow alongside a fence, facing the sun all day long to get enough sunlight exposure.

The ideal way to grow pixy plums is with companion trees (perched next to each other on the same trellis or chain link fencing). The ideal companion for a pixy plum is a blueberry or cherry tree.

One nursery that have been growing Victoria Dwarf Pixy Plum trees for years with a passion for the customers is, and they want to share the knowledge that they have to help you start and maintain your own fruit orchard. 

  1. Care after Planting: Pruning

After planting, your pixy plum tree will need to be pruned by removing all its branches and stems to encourage new growth. If you have already planted seedlings in pots, you may need to remove the branch tips with pruning sheers or a small saw to encourage new growth. Pixy plums only need to be pruned once a year in the spring. By pruning the tree in the spring, you can remove dead branches and correct any branching issues within the tree.

  1. Care after Planting: Fertilizer

As your pixy plum tree grows its limbs, it will need some regular fertilizing in order to grow strong and healthy. A well-balanced 20-20-20 fertilizer can be spread out evenly on the soil and the tree’s roots. You can also use one that is specialized in micronutrients or a slow-release fertilizer.

To apply, simply spread some on the soil and gradually work it in as your tree grows. That way, you do not disturb the roots when applying them. You can also use a cold press or fish emulsion fertilizer to boost the growth and health of your pixy plum tree as they grow.

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