Facts about Europe that will make you book your next flight

Summer will be here in a bit, and there’s no better way of celebrating this season than going on a trip to a new destination. If this year Europe really seems to speak to you and you don’t want to go there unprepared and without knowing anything about this continent, here are some facts about a few European countries that you should totally visit.


The most visited attraction in the world is the Louvre in France, which gets close to 10 million tourists every year. Apart from the classic, famous paintings and sculptures such as Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo, this museum has over 400 rooms and 35000 works of art, so you’ll surely need way more than a day to see even a quarter of it.


The European continent is the homeland of one of the oldest known parliaments in the world. The Althing, also known as Althingi or Alþingi was founded in 930 in Iceland. During its history it suffered many legislature changes and even discontinuations, and today the building is one of the top attractions in the country. Bonus reason to visit Iceland: this country has no mosquitos!


Speaking of islands that lack some of the annoying and dangerous animals, Ireland is one of the few countries in the world that has no snakes. It is also the homeland of such trademarks like St. Patrick, Guinness, whiskey, and Aran sweaters, the ones that you’ve seen your favorite actors wearing both on set and in daily life. If you visit Ireland, don’t forget to buy an Aran sweater https://www.tarairishclothing.com/,  but if  a fisherman sweater is not on your list this season, you can get an Aran sweater online or next year.


One of the most beloved attractions among tourists that visit Spain is, of course, La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, as even though it is not finished yet, it still is a breathtaking architectural masterpiece. But did you know that it takes longer to build this Roman Catholic Church than it took to finish the Egyptian pyramids? The construction of the basilica began in 1882 and the Spanish authorities plan on finishing it in 2026, almost 150 years later.


There is a tradition among tourists: when visiting Trevi Fountain, toss a coin to return to Rome. Well, apparently this custom brings the Italian economy around 3000 euro a day, which is roughly one million euro every year. The capital also surrounds the smallest country in the world: Vatican City, which is ruled by the pope, who is the bishop of Rome and the head of the Catholic Church.


If you’re looking for a luxurious vacation in a high end resort where you’d be surrounded by rich people, Switzerland is the way to go.  As per 2020, this country has the highest rate of millionaires in the world, with 15% of its population owning more than one million US dollars. If this vacation is not really your type and you’d rather prefer to go hiking or exploring nature, we’re sure you can find just the right trip for you, as there are more than 7000 lakes in Switzerland and the Alps cover around 58% of the country.


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