How Often Should I Mow My Lawn?

According to Masterclass, there are over 11,000 species of grass in the world! However, there are only around 12 species that people choose to make their lawns with.

Whatever grass type you choose, a common question avid gardeners have is “how often should I mow my lawn?” The answer, of course, can be subjective due to several factors. But there are some rules of thumb to pay attention to.

In this quick guide, we’ll let you know how often you should mow your lawn, and some other key tips along the way. Let’s cut to the chase now and find out more about how you should be dealing with your lawn.

How Often Should I Mow My Lawn

First off, we have to establish what time of year you should begin mowing. Spring is thought to be the best time of the year to start your mowing routine, and you should continue right through to early fall. You’ll have an advantage if you start sooner, as you won’t give a chance for weeds to take hold and sprout as much.

When you do think it’s time to begin, you should try to mow your lawn at least once a week as a general rule. However, some lawns grow faster or slower, depending on the grass species.

Establish Your Desired Grass Length

A solid piece of lawn mowing advice is to let your grass grow out to a length that you would like to see all year round. Once you establish this, you can even measure a few blades of grass for future reference, or take a photo.

Next, let the grass grow out and record the number of days you allow this to happen. When you feel your lawn is getting too long, pull out the lawn mower and get cutting. Ideally, you want to aim for a length just below your desired length.

Then, whatever the number of days was that you recorded before you decided to cut, add on an extra couple more to establish the timeframe for your cutting routine.

Lawn Mowing Tips

Make sure not to cut the grass too short. If you do, you risk your lawn browning and looking ugly. The rule of thumb is to avoid cutting any more than one-third of your grass blades.

Furthermore, ensure you always have sharp blades before lawn mowing. If you don’t, you risk ripping your grass apart, rather than giving a clean and precise cut. This ripping can also occur when your lawn is wet, so avoid cutting in such conditions.

Follow this simple lawn mowing advice and you should be well on your way to maintaining a healthy and lush-looking lawn. Here is some more advice on how to get a great lawn, if you’re interested.

A Quick Lawn Mowing Guide

We hope you find this quick lawn mowing guide helpful when it comes to answering the question: how often should I mow my lawn? The key is to establish a good lawn mowing routine and then tweak it along the way if you are not seeing the results you desire.

Get more tips and advice on a variety of topics by checking out the rest of our blog.

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