How TCM in Singapore Can Help You Get Pregnant


Fertility issues are really stressful and emotionally exhausting for a couple desiring to conceive. While  most people seek modern medical treatments, some have also started seeking alternative remedies such as Traditional Chinese Medicine. Over the years, traditional Chinese medicine in Singapore has emerged as a complementing approach toward fertility treatments. TCM works holistically in focusing on restoring balance in the body, which is essential in boosting fertility. Read this article to learn how TCM in Singapore can support you in conceiving!

Understanding Traditional Chinese Medicine and Fertility

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been practised over centuries for general well-being and also to solve specific health problems, such as fertility. According to the TCM, the ability to conceive has something to do with the body’s balance and harmony. When such factors are disturbed, for example, blood flow and energy Qui, disturbances in a woman’s fertility may arise. TCM, through acupuncture, the use of herbs, and lifestyle changes, attempts to restore such imbalances and enhance the fertility level.

As such, TCM fertility treatments are designed to diagnose and treat the possible underlying problems in circulation or hormonal imbalances and/or stress that can affect one’s ability to conceive. This is unlike the Western approach, which would single out symptoms for treatment. TCM treats the body as a whole where problems in one aspect of life could affect the physical and/or emotional capabilities of fertility.

Techniques Used in TCM to Improve Fertility

There are numerous techniques that TCM in Singapore undertakes to enhance fertility. Acupuncture is one of the most popularly known. It involves the administration of minute needles to points on the body, allowing better blood flow and balanced Qi. Acupuncture can improve blood circulation to the reproductive organs, regulate hormones, and reduce stress!

Aside from acupuncture, herbal treatments are among the many other modalities that most TCM-registered practitioners in Singapore would recommend. Herbal formulas are created based on one’s needs and may serve in regulating menstrual cycles, improving the quality of one’s eggs, thereby enhancing the reproductive health of the individual. These herbs feed the body with hormone balance and decrease inflammation, making a perfect environment for conception.

Diet and Lifestyle Play an Important Role in TCM Fertility

Dietary and lifestyle approaches remain essential components of TCM fertility in Singapore. According to TCM, some foods and habits nourish and destroy fertility. TCMs may recommend dietary changes that provide nutrition for the body to enhance reproductive health. Warm foods like soups and stews are good, while cold and raw foods should be avoided.

Apart from nutritional changes, stress management forms another integral part of the fertility treatment in TCM. Stress diminishes fertility by interfering with hormonal production and menstrual cycles. TCM moderates stress through acupuncture, herbal remedies, and mindfulness practices to offer one general well-being, both improving the chances of conception.

TCM for Male Fertility

While much of the focus regarding fertility treatments tends to surround women, TCM in Singapore also addresses male fertility. Male infertility, which may result from issues such as low sperm count motility and even hormonal imbalances, can be treated using techniques found within TCM. Acupuncture can help improve sperm quality, increase sperm count, and enhance reproductive health.

When both partners are receiving fertility treatments, adding TCM to conventional modern medical treatments like in vitro fertilisation improves the chances of success.

TCM in Singapore Can Help You Get Pregnant

Combining Traditional Chinese Medicine with Fertility Treatments

Many couples incorporate TCM with state-of-the-art fertility treatments like in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI). It is integrative because the strengths of both TCM and Western medicine are brought together. Acupuncture has been performed along with IVF treatment to enhance blood flow through the uterus and ovaries, hence improving the chances of implantation.

There is some evidence to prove that acupuncture combined with IVF could improve pregnancy rates. Acupuncture’s stress-reduction qualities help women cope better with the emotional stress related to fertility treatments and may further help in improving results.

It is important to note that one should work with a qualified, registered TCM practitioner in Singapore, experienced in fertility treatments, who can coordinate with your Western medical professional. In such a way, both approaches result in a cohesive approach that ensures your fertility journey is maximally enhanced.

Is TCM Right for You?

If you plan to use TCM to get pregnant, you will need to approach a qualified practitioner specialising in fertility. The consultation would include your medical history and present health status. Further, the practitioner provides a focused treatment program according to the specific needs.

While TCM may be without the dramatic turnarounds expected by so many women today, several months into treatment, many have reported improved menstrual and ovulation cycles, thus greatly improving their general well-being. Certain ones would get pregnant with TCM alone while others would find this technique most effective when applied in combination with other fertility treatments.

The natural approach to clearing up one’s reproductive health includes fertility challenges, which TCM in Singapore can provide. TCM seeks to enhance the general causes of infertility and restore balance within the body for conception. Whether it be complementing modern fertility treatments or seeking traditional approaches, the treatment methods of TCM have been there to bring hope and offer support on the journey of parenthood.

If you plan to try TCM to get pregnant, visit Thomson Chinese Medicine today. Our certified practitioners can guide you through specialised fertility treatments that will help you conceive better.

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