Implant denture: Durability With Aesthetics  

Missing teeth wreak havoc on your oral health due to compromised mastication, leading to poor nutrition. Untreated edentulous spaces can ultimately lead to bone resorption and impact your aesthetics as well. Replacing the missing teeth would be a wise decision to restore your oral form, function, and aesthetics. And what if we tell you that modern dentistry offers prostheses with better stability and durability than conventional dentures? 

Currently, implant dentures in Dacula are the most stable and secure teeth replacement solutions with enhanced durability and longevity. 

What is an implant denture?

An implant-supported denture, also known as a snap-on denture, is an oral appliance that replaces multiple missing teeth at once. Unlike traditional dentures, they directly attach to your jawbone using dental implants. Dental implants are tiny screw-like posts that replace missing tooth roots. Implant-supported dentures offer improved stability and durability.

What are the benefits of implant dentures?

Implant dentures provide you with the added benefits of both the dental implants and the denture. These prostheses are often recommended due to the following benefits:

  • A more stable and secure fit than conventional dentures
  • Offer greater bite retention due to improved stability
  • Provides easier and improved speech
  • No denture-related side effects like sore gums or soft tissue irritation
  • Tooth implants prevent bone resorption 
  • Give you a more youthful and natural appearance to the jaw and face

How are implant dentures fabricated?

Here is a detailed step-by-step description of getting an implant denture: 


  • Your dentist will first examine your oral cavity and take necessary X-rays. This helps determine if you have sufficient bone thickness to anchor an implant screw. 
  • You will then be scheduled for the implant surgery, which may take around 15 to 20 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia to ease pain and discomfort.

Implant placement

  • A small incision will be made on your gums near the edentulous space, and a flap will be raised.
  • Your dentist will expose the tooth socket and the underlying jawbone to drill a tiny hole(s) into it. 
  • Small titanium implant screw(s) will be carefully inserted. 
  • The surgical site will be left to heal for 5 to 6 months. 

Dental impressions 

  • Once the area heals and the implant(s) fuse with the jawbone, several digital impressions will be taken and sent to the lab. 
  • A working model will be created to fabricate the denture. 

Denture placement

  • You will be provided with a new set of dentures with artificial teeth (depending on the number of missing teeth).
  • You will have a try-in to check the denture fit and occlusion. 
  • Finally, the denture will be placed over the implant and snap securely. 

Getting an implant denture is an involved process with several benefits. 

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