Is My Internet Speed Good?

Everything seems to be online these days. From the products that we buy to the food we order, to our schoolwork, and even our jobs, everything requires an internet connection. In fact, almost 31% of people surveyed by Pew Research say that they are online almost 24/7.

In order to make the best use of our always-online society, or even participate, you need to have good internet speed. What is a good internet speed? Here’s what you need to know.

“Is My Internet Speed Good?” The Answer May Depend

If you’re looking up more information about good internet speed, chances are that you’ve asked yourself, “Is my internet speed good?” With so many service provider options out there, it’s only natural to wonder if you’re paying for the best deal.

The answer to this question depends on what you use the internet for. A good internet speed for gaming exceeds 25Mbps. A good internet speed for streaming may go as high as 50Mbps download speed to avoid interruptions. If you’re downloading or uploading sizeable files like games or art projects, your speed needs will rise as well.

Your internet speed may also depend on whether or not you’ve hit your company’s data cap for the month, so factor that into your research as well.

What Is a Good Internet Speed Baseline?

So, what’s a good baseline internet speed? If you only need to worry about working from home and standard web browsing, then a base speed of 3Mbps will allow your programs to function. This means dial-up, which tracks its speed in Kbps, is completely out of the question for modern work.

At 3Mbps, you may encounter some interruptions or poor image quality, but you will at the least be able to participate in your employment or schoolwork.

You can easily get speeds up to 200Mbps at a low cost from companies like Windstream Kinetic Internet. These companies offer well above the minimum speed you’ll need to function in modern-day society at prices you can afford.

Should You Worry About Upload Speed?

While we’re looking at what constitutes good internet speed, you may wonder if you need to worry about upload speed. Upload speed concerns how long it takes to attach files, including pictures, to social media messages, emails, and other forms of communication. While you may not think that upload speed matters unless you’re an artist, you should still pay attention to how much upload speed your internet package offers you.

Looking for Ways to Get Good Internet Speed?

Good internet speed is crucial to being able to function in today’s always-online world. While a connection of at least 3Mbps may work for the most basic uses, it won’t give you much leeway to connect. You should never settle for a basic internet connection if you can afford anything better.

If you’re looking for ways to analyze or improve your internet speed, then why not check out our blog for more information? We update each day with more helpful and informative articles like this one.

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