Know your divorce rights with the best lawyer in Montreal

A divorce is defined as the end of a marriage. Often, there are many legal steps that the spouses must address and resolve the conflict in a mutually understandable manner. If not, then the same is taken to court. Divorce law is extremely critical. The presentation of the case upfront in court has a substantial weightage on the outcome. An experienced attorney should be consulted in such a court case as soon as possible. Andrew Heft divorce attorney is the best divorce lawyer you can get in Quebec. 

About Andrew Heft

Andrew H. Heft is a lawyer practicing in Quebec. His practice is restricted to family law and related civil litigation. He specializes in negotiating out-of-court settlements, drafting settlement agreements, and litigation of substantive issues. If you are going through a divorce, you can seek help from Andrew Heft.

Common Issues in a divorce

  • The grounds for divorce filed can include separation for one year or spousal misconduct.
  • Another issue raised is if a divorce is required or just an annulment would suffice. In Quebec, you can seek annulment up to 3 years of marriage.
  • Custody of the divorced couple’s children is also a major issue.
  • Financial support that a divorced parent has to provide for his children.
  • Alimony demanded by a spouse while divorcing is also a vital issue.

Stages in a Family case

  1. Interim Stage: Interim judgments are provided only in very urgent cases. This stage covers the period from the date of the institution to the date of provisional judgment. 
  2. Provisional Stage: The main motive of this stage is to maintain a standard while being divorced that a family enjoyed while it was still together.
  3. Final Stage: This judgment can apply retroactively and suppress all other judgments given before. 

The major issues faced while the breakdown of a marriage is custody, support, and the division of property. 


In any custody dispute, the well-being and the interest of the child come first. The courts do not give preference to any parent and the principal factors taken while giving custody are capacity of the parent, history of caregiving, availability for the children, and his or her attitude toward the kid/kids. 

Financial support

The amount of child support that a divorced parent has to pay is determined by the Federal and provincial guidelines. The factors taken into consideration are the number of children, gross incomes of both parents, and the amount of residential time with the children.

Divorce can be a huge mental stress. But to ensure you get your fair share while walking out of a marriage, consult Andrew Heft. 

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