Lactic Acid: Uses in Food Manufacturing

Nowadays, all people are giving a lot of importance to the food they consume, as it is the main part of everyone’s life. So, do you exactly know what ingredients are used in the food while manufacturing? Several different factors are included in food manufacturing. And one of the main ingredients is lactic acid, which can extend food life and help it stay fresh for many days.

A lactic acid supplier provides the best ingredients that help to manufacture food and other goods. Besides, this ingredient is not only meant for food, but they are also used in skincare products.

What Is Lactic Acid?

Lactic acid is an organic acid and a natural preservative that forms when particular foods undergo the process of fermentation. It is commonly found in several foods like yogurt, pickled foods, salami, fermented soy products, baked goods, and more. It makes your food last longer and can also boost your health and strengthen your immune system.

Food manufacturers include lactic acid in food to enhance the flavor, and it can also be used as a gelling agent. It makes the food stabilize and thicken, such as desserts and jellies. Manufacturers generally add lactic acid to packaged food products, including bread, olives, desserts, and jams. Lactic acid can help control pH levels, stop the increase of microorganisms, and extend the food’s shelf life. It is considered a good preservative because it can overcome and kill the bacteria in food.

How Is Lactic Acid Made?

Lactic acid can be produced through fermentation, where mold, bacteria, yeasts, and fungi break down carbohydrates like starch and sugar into gas, alcohol, and acids. Meanwhile, fermentation can be induced naturally since food items like sourdough bread and yogurt can be made through fermentation on their own. As such, food manufacturers generally begin with starting culture for the fermentation process. A lactic acid supplier can provide top-notch quality ingredients to keep the food fresh longer. Meanwhile, there are three steps a manufacturer can take to create fermented foods. The steps include:

  1. Firstly, they select a container or bowl to seal the oxygen exposure
  2. Then, they add a brine of salt and water to the container before sealing it
  3. It will be poured over the food that needs to be fermented, like cucumber and cabbage.

As the bacteria break down the sugar in the food, lactic acid and carbon dioxide will form. In the meantime, the fermentation process removes oxygen, and respectively the food becomes more acidic. This process helps increase the growth of lactic acid bacteria and decreases the growth of microorganisms. As such, the fermentation process may take from days to months, and then the manufacturer will take the food and place it in a cool area to keep the food fresh.

What Are the Foods That Are High in Lactic Acid?

There are a few types of foods that are high in lactic acid. Usually, the food produced by a fermentation process is filled with beneficial bacteria and lactic acid bacteria. So, the food items that are high in lactic acid include:

  • Beer and bread
  • Cheese
  • Pickled meats such as salami
  • Soy products include soy milk and tofu
  • Pickled vegetables like sauerkraut and kimchi
  • Legumes like peas and beans

If you want to consume the best of these foods, you must avoid cooking them on high flame because it may kill the beneficial bacteria. Otherwise, you can add them as condiments or toppings for cooked food. Furthermore, fermented foods taste so delicious and have exquisite flavor and texture, and these can make be an excellent addition to any meal.

So, if you are a food manufacturer searching for the best ingredients to purchase, consider purchasing high-quality lactic acids that can surely benefit your food to last longer.

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