On-Page vs Off-Page SEO: What’s the Difference?

Do you want more people to view your online content? Of course, you do! Unfortunately, that won’t happen unless you have a comprehensive SEO strategy.

The world of search engine optimization is confusing for most; fortunately, if you dedicate some time to learning about SEO, it’ll all come together, and you’ll be an SEO wizard before you know it.

But did you realize that there’s more than one type of SEO? We’re here to help by answering a few simple questions. So, on-page vs off-page SEO – what’s the difference?

Read on to find out.

On-Page SEO Explained

On-page SEO is all about your page’s content and aesthetic. If you’re into DIY SEO, this is probably the easiest one.

However, it’s more complex than adding pretty pictures to a blog. There are multiple on-page factors that will influence how trustworthy a search engine deems your content.

Fortunately, you can control most of these aspects. Here is a simple on-page SEO checklist:

  • add title tags
  • add short but catchy headers (use keywords here)
  • simple URL structure
  • incorporate alt text on all images
  • mobile optimization
  • use internal links
  • use social tags
  • original images
  • aesthetic layout

Take extra care with your mobile optimization. It’s very simple to make a webpage look good on a desktop; mobile is more tricky.

However, most users will be viewing your content from their mobile, so it’s vital that it’s compatible with both. If you’re using a website builder, there are usually built-in mobile optimization options that you can use.

Off-Page SEO Explained

Off-page SEO relates to how trustworthy the search engine deems your site. It’s one of the SEO types that rookies often struggle with.

To increase your off-page SEO, you need to have other trustworthy sites link to your website. The more trustworthy links, the higher your domain authority. This leads to more website views.

Guest blogging is the ultimate off-page SEO hack. This is where a blog is written and posted on a different website. However, somewhere in that blog will be a link to your website. For every blog post reader, some will click on the link, and you’ll receive traffic.

Some SEO techniques (such as this one) are best handled by the experts – view more here about hiring an agency to help with your SEO needs.

If you want to do DIY off-page SEO, focus on your social media marketing and influencer marketing. Adding links from these sources can help increase your organic traffic but won’t always improve your domain authority.

On-Page vs Off-Page SEO Explained

You’re well on your way to becoming an SEO wizard now you understand the nuances of on-page vs off-page SEO! However, there’s always more to learn, so don’t give up now.

Your next task is to learn about technical SEO; and again, we can help with that. So, if you enjoyed this article, check out our other posts for more SEO tips and insights.

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