Tight gums and other painful teeth are removed. Still pain persists.

You just had your teeth (gigi) removed today. After the procedure, you realized that the pain still exists? Is this normal? Or do you need to worry about it? Well, a persistent pain that still exists after tight gums and other painful teeth are removed is actually quite normal. Usually, people that undergo this type of procedure will tend to feel a persistent pain for around 1 to 3 days at the site of the procedure. Although different people might experience different pain, this range is the normal recovery range that you need to expect. Usually, the pain persists because of the procedure itself. The longer you are in the operation room, the longer you might feel the pain. This can be simply down to the fact that your mouth is wide open for a few hours. If you think your pain is too severe and you cannot stand it anymore, there are actually a few tricks that you can do to help ease the pain. Below are some of the methods that you can try in order to decrease the pain.

  1. Ice the area

Ice is actually pretty good in helping to resolve swelling and pain. Due to its cold property, this can help to lower down your pain. The first thing that you need to do is to find and locate the affected area. Then you need to put some ice inside an ice pack, then apply it directly to that area. Make sure the ice pack is clean first in order to ensure that you are safe from any infection. It is recommended to apply it for 15 minutes, then rest for another 15 minutes, repeat the process until you feel better.

  1. Choose your food and drink wisely

The mouth is where we eat and drink. It is also a place where your tooth is located. So, please choose what you want to eat and drink carefully. It is recommended to eat soft foods such as porridge, soup, yogurt and drink smoothies so that it will not worsen the pain. Of course harder foods are forbidden. Please do not eat foods that are considered hard or chewy such as candy, nuts or apples as this might worsen the condition. Also, avoiding straw is actually a good idea because some people found out that straw can interfere with the clotting process as it gives some unwanted air pressure inside the mouth. If you are a smoker and love to drink alcohol, consider stopping them for a while or for good as this will be bad for your recovery process.

  1. Medication

If your pain is too severe and you think that you need to take medication, then feel free to do so. There are a lot of medications that you can take in order to help relieve your pain. However, it is recommended to take medications based on the dentist’s advice. Usually, taking drugs such as Aspirin or Ibuprofen can prove beneficial for your condition.

  1. Take a lot of rest

Do not underestimate the power of resting. Taking a lot of rest will actually do good to your body because this can enhance the healing process. Your body will be able to work wonders and start to reduce your pain. If none of the mentioned steps can help relieve your pain, then you need to go and meet your dentist as soon as possible. This is because it might be something more serious and only your dentist can find the cure.

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