Tips To Maintain Your Health at Any Age

It is far easier to maintain good health than to try and overcome illness. For that reason, it is beneficial to learn what steps support positive overall health and wellness outcomes. The following tips can help you do that no matter what age you are.

Stay Physically Active

Most adults should aim for at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week. If you work toward 30 minutes per day, you can easily meet this goal. For those who feel like even 30 minutes is unachievable, try breaking that total down into more manageable chunks of time. For example, get up and walk for 10 minutes twice a day and add a short yoga session before bed to meet the goal.

It is easy to confuse physical activity with exercise; however, they are very different. Most activities that elevate your heart rate, make you break into a sweat or cause heavier breathing are considered moderate-intensity physical activity. That means taking a walk or a fitness class counts the same as gardening or playing golf without a cart. This flexibility gives you plenty of opportunities to ensure you are moving enough to maintain better health.

Eat a Balanced Diet

There is tons of dieting advice floating around, but much of it is not founded on solid science. In reality, most medical professionals will caution against adopting a dieting mindset and instead advocate for making overall changes to your lifestyle.

The Mediterranean diet is one program that attempts to make this easier. However, despite its name, this approach isn’t an actual diet. There are no restrictions on what you can and can not eat, but rather a focus on whole foods, fruits and vegetables, lean meats and healthy fats. Ideally, this combination will meet your nutritional needs. However, if you fall short, you may want to consider adding Omega 3 supplements to support dietary goals.

Engage With Friends and Family

Social isolation is one of the leading causes of health declines in older adults; however, it isn’t reserved for seniors. Isolation can affect anyone at any age. One simple way to counter this is to stay engaged with friends and family.

Research has shown that maintaining healthy relationships results in positive health outcomes and an improved assessment of the quality of life. So, reach out to a friend you haven’t seen in a while to schedule a lunch date knowing it can help you stay healthier in the long run.

Follow Your Doctor’s Advice

You don’t have to enjoy going to the doctor, but you should make it a point to visit regularly. An annual physical is your opportunity to discuss any concerns and ask questions about how to best maintain your health. It is also a good way for your health care provider to catch any potentially troubling symptoms early when treatment is usually simpler.

In addition to an annual exam, be sure to schedule all of the recommended screenings for your age and sex. These may include things like a colonoscopy, mammogram and routine blood work. Then, check back with your doctor for the next steps if any results raise questions.

Explore New Hobbies

Cognitive function is an important aspect of overall wellness. One way to help support it is to engage in active learning. Learning a new language, trying a new hobby, or taking adult education classes are excellent ways to keep your mind active. If you are looking for something less structured, try working on puzzles or word games in your free time.

Avoid Tobacco and Alcohol

If there are only two things you do to promote better health, this should be it. First, limit alcohol consumption to no more than one or two drinks per day, or avoid it entirely if you can. Additionally, stay away from tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars and vape products. These are known to increase your chances of several chronic health conditions. Support is available if you are struggling to quit.

Some simple steps, such as eating a balanced diet, avoiding harmful substances, and staying active and engaged, can help you maintain health at any age.

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