What Are the Different Types of Bongs That Exist Today?

Back in 2019, columnists were getting ready to lament the death of the bong in the wake of pre-rolled joints and edibles brought to consumers by the legal cannabis industry. We’re happy to report that this was premature and that people still love a good bong.

Bongs make it easier to get a larger, smoother puff of smoke in one hit than just about any other smoking tool or method. The best part for collectors is that there are tons of different types of bongs to choose from.

Wondering what your options are? Looking to add a unique option to your bong collection?

Read on to learn more about the different types of bongs and which ones we recommend.

The Different Bong Materials

First, let’s take a look at some of the materials used to make a bong. Truth be told, you can make a bong out of a variety of materials. As long as it involves water, air, and a chamber for burning your smokable materials, it’s technically a bong.

However, there are five materials that you’re most likely to encounter when purchasing a bong from a professional distributor. We’ll talk about which ones are best and which ones you might as well skip.


Acrylic bongs are by far the cheapest option on the market. This is pretty much the only upside–they’re cheap if you’re in a pinch. Acrylic bongs crack under small amounts of pressure and produce a funky flavor, so you’re not going to want your go-to to be made of acrylic.


Ceramic bongs are a classic, available to smokers before the favored glass bong hit the scene. Ceramic bongs come in a wide variety of sizes and some of them could double as a work of art. They’re more durable than you might expect and there’s something truly elegant about smoking out of a ceramic piece.


Was there ever any question? Glass bongs are the way to go, always. You can find incredible glass bongs for sale at a variety of price points and while they do have a few weak spots, a well taken care of glass bong can last for decades.


Metal bongs look cool but that’s about it. While they’re durable and cheap, they aren’t that common and it can be a troll trying to find one that you like. Plus, even when you do, there’s a good chance that you’ll take it home only to discover that even the best metal bong produces a rough hit that you won’t enjoy.


Silicone bongs are the older brother of acrylic bongs–and they’re much more durable. The good news is that they’re also affordable! The bad news is that so far, you’re unlikely to find a large bong made of silicone and they don’t produce much percolation, leading to small and sometimes rough hits.

The Different Bong Styles

Glass bongs, in particular, come in a ton of different styles. Because glass bongs are the leader of the bong industry, you’ll find some really unique pieces that make use of old and new technologies. Let’s talk about some of the basic types of bongs so that you can broaden your bong knowledge.

The Beaker Base Bong

The beaker base bong is a classic and has, as you would expect, a base in the shape of a beaker. While the beaker shape doesn’t necessarily make a huge difference to the quality of the hit, it does something pretty important. It makes your bong a lot more stable, which means it’s not as easy to knock over.

(“Round” base bongs are also ideal for the clumsy bong user.)

The Straight Tube Bong

The straight tube bong is another one with a self-explanatory name. Straight tube bongs are made from a long, thick, tube-shaped piece of glass that tends to come with some fun accessories. For example, you’ll often find straight tube bongs with a diffuse downstem, an ice catch, or a percolator.

The Percolator Bong

A lot of bongs feature percolators, so this one doesn’t refer to shape so much as the significance of the percolator, itself. The science behind percolation is its own subject. The important thing to take away is that a bong with a percolator will help cool down the smoke before it hits your lungs, making for a less harsh or rough experience.

The Multi-Chamber Bong

If you’ve always wanted a bong that looks like it belongs in a mad scientist’s lab, you’re going to love the multi-chamber bong. Truth be told, everyone is going to love a multi-chamber bong, and if you’re willing to make a larger investment, this is the way to go.

The multi-chamber bong contains, you guessed it, several chambers that the smoke must pass through before it reaches your lungs. Not unlike percolation, this process of passing from chamber to chamber cools down the smoke so its nice and cool.

Looking for a Portable Bong Option? Try the Bubbler

Did you know that bowls and one hitters aren’t the only option for people who want to smoke on the go? If you’re looking for the bong experience in a travel size, you’re going to want to give a bubbler a shot. Bubblers are a lot like bowls, if bowls had a compartment to store water and percolate each hit.

Which Types of Bongs Will You Try?

There are so many types of bongs out there that we’ll never get to try them all. If we had to pick, however, we’d always stick with glass. There are so many different options and styles in the glass bong department that you’ll never get bored, anyways.

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