Why do pawnshops give different prices for the same item?

Pawn shops carry a lot of unique items. Unlike retail outlets, people who shop at pawnshops never expect to see two of the exact same things at the same time. This is very rare. This is because pawnbrokers get to their inventory from different customers and these can be anything from wedding bands to high-end jewellery from brands like Cartier or Tiffany. Customers can get great items at low prices. However, when pawning or selling valuable items you may realize that different pawnshops will offer different prices for the same item. You may wonder why that happens. 

Every pawnshop Brisbane is different and prices will vary. There are a number of factors that come into play when items are priced by pawnbrokers. It might help you understand the pricing and why it would differ from one pawnshop to the next if you understood these factors. 

#1. Specialty

Pawnshops are known as the one place where you can bring anything of value but a lot of pawn shops choose to specialise. One pawnshop might have an extensive selection of jewellery and a limited selection of electronics or vice versa. Pawning or selling gold jewellery at a Pawnshop Brisbane with a large selection of jewellery might be difficult, mainly because, the pawnbroker isn’t particularly low on jewellery and might be struggling to sell the inventory he currently has in which case, he won’t be pressed to acquire your item. 

#2. Different appraisals 

Appraisals can vary depending on who is doing the appraisal on that particular day. It is possible to get two different from the same store if the store has more than one person doing the appraisals. With precious metals like gold, the appraisals are also affected by the gold market price or spot price of gold which fluctuates from day to day.  Experienced pawn brokers know what exactly affects the price of gold and can give accurate and fair appraisals. 

#3. Different amounts of experience

A lot of pawnshops will have more than one pawnbroker accepting valuable items for appraisal. Some pawnshops hire staff that has experience or more knowledge of a particular item. Choose a pawnshop with a longstanding reputation as such a pawn shop will have accurate and fair pricing. 

You should always ask around to find local pawn shops that are known for good deals. However, it should be said that it is important for anyone who takes their valuable item to a pawn shop to know what that valuable item is worth and to be able to negotiate to a price that he or she can be happy with. The pawnbroker will like to test your own knowledge and understanding of what it is you are bringing to them and like any business, pawn shops are out to make money but that doesn’t mean their don’t have to be fair. 

Bottom line: different pawnshops will give different appraisals and therefore different prices. Sometimes the offer depend on how badly the pawnbroker wants to acquire the item that is being brought. The best that you can do is to shop your valuables around until and hope to find a pawnbroker who will be as fair as possible with their offer. 


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