5 Waiting Room Design Tips for Your Medical Practice


Keeping your patients happy starts the moment they enter your office. Your waiting room should be welcoming and relaxing for all visitors, and that starts with a great design.

There are plenty of things you can do to make sure your medical practice is meeting the needs of your patients throughout their visit. Read on to discover five amazing tips that will take your waiting room design to the next level.

1. Start with Seating

Personal space is the key to comfort in a waiting room, and this is doubly true in a medical office. First, make sure to arrange chairs in a well-spaced configuration. Then, make sure the chairs themselves are soft and comfortable.

A few loveseats are great for couples who come together or individuals who need more space. However, you should avoid couches or long benches as rubbing elbows with strangers is less than ideal for most. Group single chairs in sets of twos or threes, and make sure they aren’t arranged back-to-back.

2. Pay Attention to Color and Details

Colors have an emotional effect on people, and you can use that to your advantage! Choose relaxing colors to keep your patients patient while they wait.

You need waiting room decoration as well! Match artwork and rugs to your chosen color scheme, or decorate according to a theme. Remember, the color will look best under great lighting, so don’t forget to pick out stylish lamps or good overhead lights too.

You can find more color and decor tips at armincoinc.com.

3. Charging Stations

You can build part of your design around your patient’s power needs. Try to keep every set of chairs near an outlet, or add extension cords along the walls to reach further. You can even purchase lamps that have outlets built into their bases.

It’s also a good idea to add signs with the wifi password so that patients can access the internet.

4. Activities and Entertainment

Beyond the standard magazines to page through, provide your patients something to truly occupy their minds! Make puzzle books, like crosswords or sudoku, available. Don’t forget to set out pencils as well!

Your design can incorporate more entertainment: think about adding TVs or a fish tank to your waiting room. Digital displays can also show slideshows of artwork or interesting video feeds.

5. Remember the Kids

Your waiting room is likely going to host plenty of kids – who may even remain behind while you take care of their guardian. Build an inviting space for children into your design as well!

This could be a small area stocked with toys and beanbags! You can add an extra TV screen as well and use it to play children’s movies. Adults will be more comfortable if kids have a designated area, too.

Now Is the Time to Update Your Waiting Room Design

Your patients matter to you. Make sure they can sense that from the beginning of their visit by creating a welcoming and comfortable waiting room design! Follow these tips now to ensure an amazing space for your medical practice.

If this article helped you out, find plenty more on this site! Just click the fashion heading and you’ll find all of the design tips and tricks you need!

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